
 fully certified and accredited by the Universite Populaire de Permaculture led by Steve Read with integrated Yoga classes

Permaculture is a branch of ecological design, which develops sustainable Architecture/human settlements and self-maintained agricultural systems modeled from natural ecosystems. The course, which follows the international syllabus set down by Bill Mollison, the 9th to 18 July will be in English followed by a course in French 27 july till 5 August. 

Daily Jogasana and pranayama practice

Yoga is an artful and empowering practice, influencing at first the body's physical structures, whilst using the breath to intregate body and mind, restoring radiant health and a connection to the more subtle realms of the Self and Unity. Anyone with a basic yoga practice and sound health can participate.

Steve Read

Over the last 19 years Steve has lead more then 60 permaculture courses all over the world in more then 12 countries and a wide variety of climats. He is widely recognised for his dynamic and innovative approach to teaching permaculture bringing smoothly together his scientific and theatral experience. He is the founder of the Universite Populaire de Permaculture which promotes permaculture in the French speaking parts of the world.

Program design course 72 hrs optional

Introduction - principals and ethics.

Day 1am: presentation of participants, introduction to the course., introduction to permaculture, sustainable society.
pm: site visit, ethical rules and principles of permaculture

Day 2 am:, design methods, analysis of needs and resources, observation site, follow nature, area's regions, reading landscape patterns of nature.
pm: practical workshop.

Day 3 am: principles of ecology, flow and cycles, biodiversity, cooperation, climatic factors, topography, vegetation, natural succession.
pm: role of trees, hedges windbreaks, sun, frost.
Introduction to the project design for the site, make teams and interview people on the "farm".

Day 4 am: water element, water cycle, water in the landscape, keylines, movement, recovery of rainwater, storage, processing, use and connection panels  and solar water heaters.
pm:element earth: concepts in pedology, soil conservation, life cycles of soil, soil test, nutrients, wildlife. 

Day 5 am: basics of agriculture respectful of the soil, soil fertility, soil regeneration, garden, annuals/perennials, vegetables, mulch, associations, inheritance, rotations, balance and diversity, seed.
pm: displacement of soil and tillage, practical garden design excersise.

Day 6 am: forest garden, orchard, vegetable garden, agro-forestry, direct seeding, fruit trees and schrubs, orchard, strategies for arid and tropical climates.
pm: animals permaculture pastures, roles and needs of animals, bees and pollination, design exercise.

Day 7 am: water, aquatic facilities,aquaculture. pisciculture, mariculture.
pm: composting toilet, compost, natural water purification, treatment, design exercise.

day 8 am: habitat, location, design, materials, energy efficiency, renewable energy, appropiate technology, recycling.

day 9 am: design on a larger scale, ecovillage, ecoquartier, urban strategies, vertical spaces, invisible networks, community, local arganization, alternative economy, cooperatives, micro-enterprises, access to land.
pm: design exercise

Day 10 am: presentations of designs,
pm: assesment, permaculture movement, upcoming projects, graduation ceremony, party.

it is obvious that the course will be interspersed with films, discussion themes, access to library, internet.

7 o'clock: good morning

8 o'clock breakfast

9 o'clock courses permaculture

13 o'clock lunch

14 o'clock till 16 o'clock practice permaculture

16 o'clock courses

19 o'clock till20 o'clock dinner

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